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Updated: Jan 18

This is an example of how changing to the Cradle Hold Position healed sore nipples.

-first baby

-used Cross Cradle Hold

-had sore nipples

-changing to the Cradle Hold solved her problems

‘The most significant problem I had using the Cross Cradle Hold almost exclusively was SORE NIPPLES. I was in pain, real pain, for the 

first 3 1/2 weeks. 

At that time my husband, watching me suffer, bought me a really good breastfeeding pillow. 

While the pain was never completely relieved until I stopped the position, it definitely subsided to a tolerable level because the weight of my baby’s body was being supported by this pillow.

I couldn’t feed without the pillow, it was difficult to hold her steady, she was getting heavier. 

It just didn’t feel natural, graceful, and right, and it wasn’t! 

I felt like the pillow saved me but that didn’t feel right either, our ancestors didn’t have specially designed foam pillows that velcro around you.

I was still somewhat in pain and I knew something was wrong. 

After about 4 weeks of pretty constant pain, after reading everything I could, I called the hospital where I gave birth. They gave me the name of a lactation consultant that I knew I couldn’t afford and told me that La Leche League (LLL) might be helpful.

I attended a LLL meeting where I learned the CRADLE HOLD. The Cradle Hold is a natural position, it feels right. 

My baby and I immediately felt calmer, we were more relaxed physically and emotionally. I was not straining myself to hold her head, she was not rooting in the wrong direction and feeling very frustrated at not finding the nipple. 

I was not dreading each feeding. 

Most importantly, after 3 or 4 days of USING THE CRADLE HOLD EXCLUSIVELY, I WAS NO LONGER IN PAIN.

We definitely enjoy our nursing now and barely ever use our pillow.’

Caution - The Cross Cradle Hold often causes sore nipples.

The Cradle Hold Position is effective and comfortable.



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